, The ship and its companions are destroyed and the prince enters the island alone. In this way, the prince will be able to prevent unfortunate events from happening in the palace of Maharaja and Dahaka, the god of time, will no longer seek to destroy him, but he will be attacked by some people near the island and after the clashes you will see in the opening demo. See! He has no choice but to go to the Island of Time where the Hourglass of Time was built, so he sails with his troops to the Island of Time to prevent the Sands of Time from being built by going back in time. He is chasing a creature called Dahaka and has no choice but to do so.

But nothing goes as it should, and due to what happened in The Sands of Time, he has a lot of problems. The story of this episode takes place after the events of The Sands of Time and our prince has returned to his native land of Babylon. The story of the game is followed by the first version and the prince is still looking for his own adventure and in this way no factor can stop the progress of this noble Iranian. Game description: Years after the release of the popular game "Prince of Persia, the sands of time" the second version of the game or Prince of Persia 2: warrior within The most common factor is violence.